
outstanding quality. Colourfulness. Style. Fitting texts

In 2007, Larissa v. Buchwaldt founded the card publishing house Langelütje. Over the years, the publishing house has made a name for itself in the industry, especially with its postcards. They have become best known for their apt texts and their typical design. The cards are recognised and are increasingly sought out specifically by customers. In 2018, the sole proprietorship became a limited company and now finally the family business that the Langelütjes had always been back then as sugar manufacturers.

The book trade in particular has recognised that the cards are cards for readers. For people with a love of expression and a feeling for the special subtleties of the German language. The cards are taken from life and are probably accurate for that very reason.

The main customers are bookshops, design shops, florists, coffee house owners, museum shops, gift shops and hotels. Their customers are humorous people and thoughtful people, loud people and quiet people, tall people and short people, hard people and soft people. The cards appeal to people who listen to themselves and notice that the whole of life is written on them. Point by point and in short notes. But definitely – for every occasion. Selectively and in short notes. But definitely – for every occasion.

About the name of the company: the Langelütjes were sugar manufacturers with origins in Hamburg and Meissen. Gerta Langelütje – the grandmother of the company founder Larissa v. Buchwaldt – was the last living bearer of the name. Out of love for her grandmother, as well as for the many amusing and interesting life stories of the various family members, Larissa v. Buchwaldt named the company after her ancestors. The name, as well as the memory of many family members, is to be preserved in this way.

About Langelütje​

The armadillo as part of the logo
Family members, including Gerta Langelütje, had emigrated to Brazil in the 1920s. Besides tame monkeys, they also kept an armadillo called Molly.

Molly was characterised by her trustfulness. She was a permanent member of the Langelütjes’ household. Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to observe armadillos up close knows how much attention these funny animals attract. You have to notice them.

Because of her different and positive presence, Molly the armadillo became the company animal.
